Thursday, 5 December 2013

Importance of Safety of an Overhead Crane

With growing industrialization all around the world, many industries started looking for more effective means to carry out their day-to-day activities. Carrying very heavy loads has been one of the toughest of all routines many industries have to carry out every single day. What better way than getting them done by efficient and obedient machines? Overhead cranes have certainly made the life of these industries a lot better and easier.

How does an overhead crane work?

As the name suggests, the overhead crane is built high above the ground. Due to it’s bridge-like appearance, it is also known as a bridge crane. It has parallel runways that are joined together with a bridge. The main part of the overhead crane is the hoist. It travels over the bridge and lifts and carries the weight to be transferred from one place to another.

Where is an overhead crane used?

One of the most important applications of the overhead cranes is in the metal refinement factories. They are used throughout the manufacturing procedure from pouring the raw material in the furnace to loading the end products on transportation vehicles such as trucks and trains. They are also used in automobile industry to carry raw material. Other industries including transportation, shipyards, paper mills, etc. also use overhead cranes for various weight carrying purposes. Bridge cranes often prove to be a cost-effective option over the mobile cranes.

How important are the crane safety systems?

With every benefit comes an equivalent price to be paid. The great advantage offered by these heavy-duty cranes doesn’t come without it’s own price. These cranes need to be handled with great care to fetch the maximum benefit from them. Strict rules and regulations have to be followed by the crane operators in order to ensure crane safety.

Why is it important to appoint trained crane operators?

It is important for employers to realize that the persons they appoint to operate the overhead cranes should be skilled and trained adequately for the job. Not all cranes the same and different types of cranes have different requirements in terms of skill and training.

These operators should also be trained to use the various safety devices such as crane scales, crane load cell, load limiters, etc. to be able to used them for ensuring safety during a crane operation.

It is important that these workers are also trained in various emergency procedures. They should know what to do in an emergency such as a crane accident, how to quickly evacuate the location, how to handle a power failure, etc.

A crane can prove to be a very potent tool in the hands of the knowledgeable workers while a dangerous menace with unskilled and untrained ones. Taking the above measures will ensure that any crane operation becomes safe and secure for everyone involved.

1 comment:

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